About Me

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Huntington Beach, California, United States
Sewer, cooker, full time day jobber, mom of two. Maybe if I wasn't so busy with all this I'd have time to sleep!


Back it Up!

Wow, I've been out of the posting scene for a while. My laptop took a poop about a month ago. Although I backed up all of my work files like weddings and family shoots, I failed to do the same with my personal items. I know, you should always back things up, that way if your hard drive fries, your OK. But not me. I had about 2000+ pictures in IPhoto. From the time Emma was born until today. That's the problem with everything being digital. I just get so lazy. I had everything to back up all my personal pictures, disks, cases, you name it. I just never took the time to do it. Now I'm kicking myself in the butt! I felt ill when I found out it was the hard drive. I didn't have much hope in retreiving info, but tried it. We ran a recovery system, and a month later it's still retreiving files. So far it has recovered 61GB of my 93GB hard drive, please cross your fingers that the majority of that is my Iphoto!

Lesson learned! In this digital age it's easy to get careless. Once those items are gone, you may not get them back....so Back Them Up!