Birthdays are cool!
As of yesterday I am another year older. It really doesn't bother me though, why should it? It's something that is going to happen anyway. I never understood people making such a big deal because they turned a certain age, like the world is coming to an end.
If anything, I've learned to appreciate birthdays, no matter what age. How lucky am I to be on this earth another year, spending time with my family and friends. Happy Birthday to me!
So having a birthday a day after the 4th has always been alot of fun. It's like a long birthday celebration, with BBQ's, and fireworks.
Emma started it out right with a super sassy new outfit.
Then dinner at Matsu's, my favorite restaurant!
We took in an Angels game and stayed for the fireworks.
The 4th of July had plenty of swimming, food and fireworks
On the big day, I received a ding dong ditch from my BFF Drew who left me these
I also received a CD I've been wanting for some time from my husband
And the best present came from Owen, my own one of a kind monster bank