About Me

My photo
Huntington Beach, California, United States
Sewer, cooker, full time day jobber, mom of two. Maybe if I wasn't so busy with all this I'd have time to sleep!


Family Pictures

Hi all! My best friend Drew took some family pictures of us this past Sunday at the Salton Sea. It was a very creepy place to visit, but worth it. The pictures she took turned out amazing, as always, and the kids had so much fun. Towards the end of our "adventure" the kids were getting a little restless, but she kept their attention by playing Simon Says, and in return got some great shots! Check out the pictures by visiting her blog: DrewB Photography and looking under "The Greene Family" post.

Thanks again for everything Drew!


DrewB said...

Awww, you called me your best friend! You really like me!