About Me

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Huntington Beach, California, United States
Sewer, cooker, full time day jobber, mom of two. Maybe if I wasn't so busy with all this I'd have time to sleep!


In Memory......

The past couple of months I think have been the hardest of my life. I lost the one person who has been there for me from day one, who put me on a pedestal, who worked day and night, just to provide for me. The person who made me their first priority, and above all, the person that loved me unconditionally.

My mother Sandra Martinez lost her battle with cancer at 12:30AM on April 1, 2008. She passed away peacefully with her loved ones surrounding her. She battled cancer for seventeen years, starting with her diagnosis of breast cancer in 1991. From that day on she accepted the fact that the cancer was so bad, she would be on and off chemo treatment for the rest of her life. At times she was down and depressed, but always had such an optimistic outlook on life. I have never encountered such a strong, courageous person as her, and I am convinced I never will. She had such a strong will to live, that she beat the cancer in a sense. Yes, she had to live with the disease, but she never let that get in the way of her life.

My mother was an inspiration, making me strive to become the strong, courageous women she was. I am left with so many beautiful memories of her and I, and she has filled my heart with love. I am so thankful that she was in my life and her spirit will live with me forever.


Anonymous said...

I just read this for the first time and it made me cry. Your mom was amazing and she raised an amazing daughter. I know you miss her terribly, but now you have an angel to protect you and your family. She will always be with you, Michelle.