About Me

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Huntington Beach, California, United States
Sewer, cooker, full time day jobber, mom of two. Maybe if I wasn't so busy with all this I'd have time to sleep!


$20.00 please Tooth Fairy, thank you

Tonight my son lost his second baby tooth. It seems like he just lost his first one! What's crazy is his new big boy tooth is pretty much all the way in already. Well for his first tooth, he asked the tooth fairy for $6.00. That seemed pretty reasonable, I guess a tooth is going for much more these days than when I was a child. He must think the second tooth is worth some big bucks because he asked for $20.00 this time! Holy Moly, I guess I'm going to need to make a trip to the bank tonight.

He is very proud of his new window.

His sister...not so happy. She doesn't like the whole tooth falling out thing.